Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Round-Up #9

Welcome to the Round-Up. Throughout the week, I tweet links to anything unique or funny that I find online, via DWG's Twitter feed, DownWithGT. Then, every week or two - typically on the weekend - I post the 3(ish) most unique or funny tweeted pages. So, without further ado, here, ladies and gentlemen, is the Round-Up #9

And today, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a very special version of the Round-Up, where "very special" means that for once I really am sticking to three links.

一 Kay Hymowitz, author of "Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men Into Boys," writes at The Daily Beast that men are generally angry at women and that she understands why: women covet and routinely find equality - if not superiority - in the social and working worlds but routinely expect men to act superior in dating and sex, as if the rise of women were irrelevant in romantic and/or lustful settings; they want chivalrous relationships but only and exactly when they want it

二 Joanna Weiss at boston.com wonders why so many Americans experience a "worker-on-worker ire" where they demean and bemoan unions, even though it is unions that have achieved many of the rights that afford so many of us comfortable lives.

三 And finally, at TechZene you can see a very attractive graphic that explains how Facebook is worth twenty billion dollars

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