Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Round-Up #11

Welcome to the Round-Up. Throughout the week, I tweet links to anything unique or funny that I find online, via DWG's Twitter feed, DownWithGT. Then, every week or two - typically on the weekend - I post the 3(ish) most unique or funny tweeted pages. So, without further ado, here, ladies and gentlemen, is the Round-Up #11

 Aight, y'all, today we have sport, art, and politic. In sport, we have a defense of fair weather fandom, in art, we have an artist making 3-D gifs (and you don't need glasses) (the image is very twitchy, though, be warned), in politic we have 5 reasons humanity sucks at democracy.

You know what? Let me not be accused of hewing to political ideology and undermining the point of my own blog. Here's an article by an Israeli detailing the three schools of thought in US politics and explaining why not a single one advances the interests of the US or its allies (the article is critical, by the way).

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