Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Round-Up #8

Welcome to the Round-Up. Throughout the week, I tweet links to anything unique or funny that I find online, via DWG's Twitter feed, DownWithGT. Then, every week or two - typically on the weekend - I post the 3(ish) most unique or funny tweeted pages. So, without further ado, here, ladies and gentlemen, is the Round-Up #8

Note: Well, it looks like I wrote #8 a couple of weeks ago but forgot to post it. However, there haven't been a lot of Round-Up worthy links since then so let's just go with this.

Let's start with the talk of the international town: Egypt. At the Atlantic wire, you can see excerpts of an instructional pamphlet handed out to protesters, while at Salon, you can find a report that al-Jazeera is better than American news outlets at covering the unrest. The former is quite a lesson in protesting under unfriendly regimes, while the latter begs the question: given their geographical and cultural proximity, shouldn't they be?

And with two links used already, we move to - and finish with - sports. At SB Nation, you can find an article examining why Jay Cutler was called a wuss two weeks ago, and at Hoopism, you can find a time vs. score graph of all dunks from all NBA dunk contests, with videos of most of them. The latter is awesome and the former begs the question: isn't playing in an NFL game proof enough of toughness?

And as a bonus, you can click over to the Onion, where they are reporting that wealth inequality is now the 8th wonder of the world. Peace!

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