Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Open Letter to the President Expressing My Deep Appreciation

Mr. President,

You were, during the campaign, a blank slate on which the voters wrote their expectations, ignoring the expectations of others as if they were written in invisible ink or not written at all. And yet, instead of following the etchings of any group, you are what you said you would be - a liberal, compromising pragmatist who values accomplishments - however small - above all. You are simultaneously what everyone wants and what no one wants.

Or, rather, you are not pure enough for anyone. You are the President we say we want rather than the President who will receive more "yes" responses than "no" responses to the question, "Do you approve or disapprove of the way the President is handling his job?" We say we want change and change in politics but we are not yet ready to appreciate the nuance of true governing. We are not ready for the nuance to leave the meeting and stand at the podium.

Perhaps you are ahead of your time and perhaps your time would never have come; perhaps you should have created your time. Perhaps you are still learning and perhaps you truly are naive. But I want you to know that I appreciate you. I appreciate your dignity and your effort, your respect of nuance and preference for achievement over spotlight.

I may not always agree with you but I am glad you are the President. I am glad for your courage and calm in the face of multiple potential catastrophes. I see you as a man building protection against disaster while repairing damage already done and reassuring the people behind you, even if the last listed is your last concern. You are a man who could make history if only you found the time to tell the right historians.

An egotist in all likelihood, a snob probably, you are the hope of a nation despite your failings and because of your virtues. I only ask the world of you before you realize how different we are from the ones you called upon for votes, understanding in hard times, and national unity.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Round-Up #2

Welcome to the Round-Up. Throughout the week, I will be posting links to the most interesting, funny, and/or unique articles I read on DWG's Twitter feed, downwithgt. Then, on the weekend, I will post links to the 3(ish) most interesting, funny, and/or unique articles I tweeted. Here, ladies and gentleman, is the Round-Up #2:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Round-Up #1: The week's top links

Welcome to the Round-Up. Throughout the week, I will be posting links to the most interesting, funny, and/or unique articles I read via DWG's Twitter feed, downwithgt. Then, on the weekend, I will post links to the 3(ish) most interesting, funny, and/or unique articles I tweeted. So, here, ladies and gentleman, is the Round-Up #1:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


- DWG is now on Twitter, which you can see to your right. Mosly, I'm going to use it to post links to interesting or funny articles I find. Then I think Ill post some sort of roundup or something at the end of the week with the most interesting/funny. Well see
- The DWG Manifesto is now posted. The link might wander around the page a bit but right now it's up top. If you don't see it, you can use your browser's search function to find "The Down With GroupThink Manifesto."
- DWG now has an email, which is also at the bottom. Im willing to update people on when I post on certain topics, answer questions, etc...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mine and others' thoughts on the midterms

In case you haven't heard, one of the most heated midterm elections took place yesterday and...made everything a bit murkier. The Republicans will hold a slight majority in the House while the Democrats will continue to control the Presidency and the Senate. No one can tell you what it means and only the next two years can tell you what will happen, but why let that stop you from traversing political analysis's lands of dis-imagination, repetitive rhetoric, and confidently clueless speculation to discover the interesting and the entertaining? Read on, intrepid one, read on.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If You Care, Go Vote!

According to the news, the Democrats are going to lose a lot of races today and there really isn’t anything anyone can do about it. There simply aren’t enough “contested seats” that are “leaning Democratic.” Personally, I wonder if this analysis creates its own reality where early poll results that favor certain candidates empower those candidates’ supporters to gel quicker and be more vocal, while disempowering candidates whose potential supporters aren’t inspired by a losing candidate. Today, I hope that the analysis does not discourage supporters of candidates already slated to lose from voting anyway.

The only fact is that no one has won anything yet. CNN/New York Times polls and exit polls do not determine winners; only votes do and those haven’t been counted yet. If you care, let your voice be heard. If you support a candidate, go out and vote for him/her or be left wondering if s/he lost because you and others thought s/he couldn’t win.

And don’t tell me your vote doesn’t count. If it doesn’t, then neither does any vote for anyone. Everybody gets one vote, including Tea Partiers, Democrats, and your politically insane friend.

If you care, go vote!